New routines!


Hi, it’s Mari.

Time flies!
It’s been eight weeks since year 2021 started!
There are so many things I want to do, but I can’t do all of them in 24 hours.
I’m trying very hard to be more tolerant to myself and coping with the situation.

I’ve started two of new routines.
One is dancing for 11 minutes while a watching dancing video on YouTube. It’s been about three weeks, and I’m doing it everyday!

I like exercising, but couldn’t keep on.
This time, first, I thought about why I was going to do this and set my goal “to build up my strength so that I can climb Mt. Fuji someday.”
I feel good after dancing and great that I can keep doing it!

Another one is “Morning Page“.
I’ve just started it 3 days ago, but this seems to be very good.
I heard about this “Morning Page” from one of the participants when I had a group talk on the character strength of “Kindness” last week.
She said she had been writing “Morning Page” for a week and found it good.
She was so kind to tell us how to do it.

Morning Page (this is my understanding)
– Write 3 pages on notebook by hand
– Do it in the morning (soon after waking up)
– Write whatever comes up in your mind
– Do it every morning for 8 weeks

She got to know this method in a book written by Julia Cameron, and this is an activity to re-boost creativity.

As my creativity is quite low in my VIA test and I’ve been hoping to have more creativity, I felt like trying it and just started.
Before I started, I checked the book “The Artist’s Way” (邦題:ずっとやりたかったことを、やりなさいon the library network and made a reservation.
But my city’s libraries have only one copy and 42 other people are waiting for this book. This book was more popular than I thought!

I just couldn’t wait for this book to arrive and decided to start!

So I did some search online and found some blog posts.
I got more ideas and started it on Sunday.
It took 23 minutes to finish writing 3 pages and my hand and arm were tired, but I felt a bit refreshed. So I’m doing it 3 days in a row.
I don’t know how effective it works on my creativity yet, but I’m trying to find any changes in myself.

I hope I can tell you how good this is soon.
I’m trying to do this for 8 weeks to see the effects.

I finally found out that I need to set my own clear goal which motivates me to continue something!
I also have my tolerance ready in case I skip those routines.
Even I skip them one day, I’ll just start again.









🔸Podcast “Be Myself, Be Yourself” 配信中!






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