Diary – Jan. 20, 2021


Hi, it’s Mari.
Last week, Japanese government declared a state of emergency over COVID-19, and Hyogo prefecture where I live is included.
Now all the restaurants close at eight at night, and we were told to refrain from nonessential and non-urgent outings. But schools are open, and my children go to school everyday.

What made me really sad is that events at school and volleyball tournaments my daughter was going to participate in have been canceled. I knew it would happen, but still felt very sad and almost cried.

In spite of my disappointment, my children seem to adjust to this situation well. They are really resilient. Especially my daughter is so tough. She belongs to volleyball team of her junior high school, and not just tournaments and practice matches but daily practice have got some restriction, such as fewer days of practice a week and no morning practice.

Then she decided to start morning practice at the park with her teammates. It’s still dark at six thirty in the morning, but she takes all the school stuff and goes to the park. She and her teammates are running together to build up stamina.

She tells me a lot of things. I’m sure she’s disappointed the the tournament she was looking forward to play has been canceled, but she is facing forward. She is so resilient.

I should look at what I can do now, but not what I lost.
I’ve been thinking what I can do and what I want to do.

I haven’t got a clear answer for this, but I’d like to take time and keep thinking about it. I know the answer is inside myself.

When I don’t know what to do, any of my three children teaches me what to do. Since I realized they teach me lessons, I feel so lucky to have them with me. Actually, I couldn’t really understand why my children are so different from me, and used to get irritated with them.

Now I appreciate their uniqueness and strengths. I’m so glad I started learning form Ari-san (Ari Matsumura). She teaches only useful skills based on positive psychology. Thanks to what I learned from her, I come to like myself more, and live happily even when I have some troubles around me.

I’d like my friends, family and students at English school to know there are solid skills to enhance well-being.
What I can do now is just to keep sending messages and tell how I’ve changed and show how I practice those skills.

I really like writing, because my fuzzy thinking gets clear as writing.

Thanks for reading!
See you next time.


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