Golden Week holidays ended.
Because of a state of emergency set in my prefecture, it was going to be a quiet and relaxing days.
But it wasn’t!
I was involved in the 4-days live streaming with my friends, and I talked about English learning for 20 minutes on the second day.

If anyone who wants to see me talking, please check this link.
You can see the recording only until May12.
It was my third time to speak on Facebook using Streamyard, and I was still nervous and looked in the air many times while talking.
On May 5, the last day of the holidays, I attended a lecture by Ms. Masako Ishibashi.
The title of the talk was “the Power of Arigato”.

I was just impressed with what Ms. Ishibashi told us.
She was saying that the phrase “Arigato” has a special power when we say it loud.
For example, it will prevent from getting sick or make us happier.
I’ve heard and read similar stories before, but I was totally convinced this time.
She told us that she says “Arigato” more than 1000 times everyday!
I, myself, often say “thank you” everyday, but it is probably about 10 to 20 times at most.
As I believe the power of Arigato now, I’m trying to say it much more times!
She told us various things, and some of the stories may sound very strange to some people.
But I believed her somehow.
Her stories have changed my way of seeing the world.
I’m already looking forward to hearing her next talk!


🔸Podcast “Be Myself, Be Yourself” 配信中!

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